Photos courtesy of Carolyn and Kathy

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foc elaine.jpg (205572 bytes) from the left: Ursula,Joan,Nan,Jeannie,Kathy

back row: Harvey,Dave,Marcey,Barbara(Ed's mother, passed away in October 1998),Ed,Carolyn,Barb,Bob

Taken in Rockport MA

foc rachel.jpg (153940 bytes)

from the left: Carolyn,Carla,Jen,Elaine's friend

back row:Linda,Jen's friend,Elaine

Taken in NY


focshi~1.jpg (91999 bytes) from the left: Terri,Sue,Charlotte,Pat,Ed,Shirl,Diane and Jeannie

Taken at Shirl's beach "shack" in Ocean City

lancaster1.jpg (19638 bytes) from the left: Elaine L., Charlotte, Jeannie, Barbara, Elaine H. Taken at Jeannie and John's Oct. 98
lancaster2.jpg (19388 bytes) the front row: Elaine L., Jeannie, Elaine H. back row: Charlotte, Barb, Kathy. Apologies to Jim and John, they were in the "cave" when the pictures were taken.


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